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Footer intro

Morbi faucibus rutrum consequat. Ut at libero auge. Suspendisse nec diam at mi aliquet luctus et at quam. Duis viverra ante ut leo condimentum. Sed interdum massa net dignissim sodales. Quisque eu metus.
09 november 2023
Electric Heat

Not only for after open water swimming, but also for skating, cycling, running, skiing. Or just sit on the couch, warm up nice and warm and keep the home heating cost low. Electric clothing pays for itself quickly.

17 februari 2023
Wetsuit undergarments

Ideal clothing for under your wetsuit. Warmer, so longer swimming in cold water. No more chafing on your neck and neutral for your buoyancy! The best product from Swim Chicky & Swim Hunky for you to discover.

20 december 2022
Winter outfit

Swimming in cold water, but still protected against the cold as much as possible? In the video below I explain which products you can find at Swim Chicky & Swim Hunky that help you make your cold water meters.

04 april 2022
Wetsuit trials?

We at Swim Chicky & Swim Hunky recommend Swim Hunky & Swim Chicky WETSUITS. Top quality entry-level model for € 250 euros. Made of YAMAMOTO neoprene. Low neck, no frills, perfect fit and optimal buoyancy. Nice details. If you want to fit, come to a fitting session on the Waolenwiert in Maastricht. If you want us to come to your location, just let us know.

07 oktober 2021
19 juli 2021
05 november 2020
01 mei 2020
31 maart 2020
07 februari 2020
14 november 2019
14 november 2019
13 september 2019
12 september 2019
20 augustus 2019
20 augustus 2019
14 september 2018